After a quick one-night stop in Westlake, LA to meet up with Brandon’s brother, we arrived at his family’s ranch in Murchison, Texas late July 4th afternoon.
Late last year, Brandon’s parents relocated from Temecula, CA to Murchison, TX to take over a dog training, grooming, and resort business called “Circle Star Pet Resort & Training”, which included 95-acres of land and a fully developed ranch. They have cows, a pond, a section of a lake, a main house, plus living areas attached to other buildings on the property.
We settled in, had a delicious home-cooked meal, and spent the rest of the night setting off a large box worth of fireworks. The next day, we got a grand tour of the property and it was amazing.
We spent 4 nights there and split our time between fishing, playing games, helping out a bit with the chores, watching the World Cup games, seeing how the business is run, and generally just hanging out.
Getting to see the dog resort side of everything was pretty cool, too. I never knew a pet hotel could be so fancy. I always figured they were just a collection of cages where pets sat and were only let out every once in a while. Here they have multiple play areas, a ton of space to run around in, some of the rooms would be big enough for humans to sleep in, plus many have their own TVs to keep the dogs company. If you’re anywhere in the Dallas or Houston areas and need a place to house, groom, and/or train your dog, I highly recommend Circle Star Pet Resort & Training. Check them out at
I grew up in the suburbs and have always been into technology, so I can’t say the idea of living on a farm appealed much to me. As it goes, of course, the older I got the more I started to appreciate nature, and the idea of having property in the middle of of a mid-western state became more relatable. I don’t think I’m ready for it just yet, but spending time on the Tansley Ranch sure helped.
Next up is Mexico City. Brandon is heading back to L.A., so it’s just me and T for the next bit. It’ll be our first time in a non-resort part of Mexico and I’m looking forward to getting to use my broken Spanish and T is looking forward to eating authentic tacos every day. We’ll see how long our stomachs hold up.
Bonus points if you get my post title reference.